Sunday, September 03, 2006
A Little Recap
For a week and a half since I arrived at home, the following few things occupied the majority of my time in a day:1) 和狗狗玩 (playing with my dog)
2) 上網 (being online, notably MSN)
3) 思念一位在遠方的人 (missing someone far away)
4) 焦急著每天僅完成以上三項大事 (being anxious about only completing the aforementioned 3 things in a day)
5) 在持續焦急的心情下睡不著而於深夜繼續以上 #2 與 #3 的活動 (continuation of #2 and #3 acitivities due to a continuation of #4)
Finally, a few days later I decided to get my acts together. And so far I've only accomplished the following few things:
1) 逛誠品,以「準備口試」要買書為由血拼媽媽的荷包 (going to the bookstore and making a major damage on my mom's wallet in the name of "preparing for the General Exam)
2) 和老同學朋友見面吃飯話家常 (meeting up with old-time friends)
3) 清理掉iPhoto中5000張無用照片 (deleting 5000 photos from my exploded iPhoto)
4) 去台大圖書館K書 (雖然目前為止只有一次; studying at Taida library, the one and only time)
5) 幫忙完成倒扁總部舉行國際媒體記者會之相關英文發言稿與資料 (helping dad preparing necessary speeches and materials for the int'l press conference held by the headquarter of the recent "anti-President Chen" campaign)
Two weeks have passed, and I'd say only #5 of the second recap list is worthy of any sense of accomplishment. 就算是我為倒扁行動付出的一點小小心意吧,誰叫捐款帳戶在我回到台北還處於混亂階段的時候就關了呢。
One more week to go, hopefully the content of the list will shift somehow and be more worthy of reporting. I'm beginning to force myself to think about Cambridge, even the simplest things like Dado Tea, ABP, the annoying bag check at Lamont, the 1$ instant coffee in the basement of Widener. L from soup kitchen, J who always came to help. T my super duper busy teacher in Chinatown, A my late-night phone buddy. Pastor G who always brighten up my day, D who's been a great help for the Sat night B-study. And then the change of weather starting in late-Sept, the foilage that goes by in a few weeks, then ... winter time ... snow ... frozen fingers ... chasing the shuttle bus ... being yelled at or hung up by the night shuttle dispatcher ...
Alright, maybe I'll just stop thinking before my memories carry me to anything beyond fall.
Returning in 7 days. Should I put a " :-> " or " :-< " or " :-I " ?
梅ちゃん at 3:00:00 AM
- at 9/6/06, 6:39 AM said...
I like that you added some translations. Usually I have to stick your blog into the Google Translator, which ends up with innaccurate, albiet amusing, results. =)