Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Here & There; Then & Now - Tokyo 6.26.07

Oddly, out of all the radio stations that I could possibly turn on right now, I choose WERS 88.9 from Emerson College in Boston. 1:48 am here and 12:48 pm there. So many afternoon studies back in Cambridge over the past semester was done with the company of music streaming from WERS 88.9. The evening shows are no good, but for a good 3 or 4 hours in the afternoon, the station introduces the latest as well as classic alternative bands and melodies, a blow of fresh air apart from all the top-20 songs repeatedly played on Kiss 106.9.

And that familiar song by the Brazilian artist (whose Portuguese name I cannot pronounce and thus has escaped my mind at the moment) just streamed out from my MacBook ...

From there to here ... Life changes in an instant, with little consistency (it seems like) in between except for what remains in the mind. Life changes in an instant, in a speed too fast and a fashion too drastically different that the little sense of coherence or logic left could only be recognized by the transnational traveler alone.

How could I ever communicate life there and life here, time then and now, to two separate groups of audience, albeit the existence of words and images?

Inevitable late-night ruminations, as stress over tomorrow's meeting continues ...

梅ちゃん at 1:48:00 AM



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